Books Zypheria's Call

Will You Answer The Call?

Zypheria’s Call, that is.

The manuscript is with the copy editors now and I’m clearing the decks for audio production. I’m cautiously optimistic that this will be out around the first of August. I’d love to have it ready in time for Lughnassadh (also called Lammas), the cross-quarter celebration for the wheat harvest.

At 100,000 words, I’ll need to do about 12,000 a day to get it done by August 1.

Just to forestall the questions, I’ll be releasing it in all three formats — ebook, print, and podcast — all at the same time. Having it be available will depend on the various channels. Ebook is typically fastest, followed by audio and then by print. (You hardcover people? Not yet, but still planning for it.)

EDIT: July 31, 2012 – I’m not going to get this trigger pulled tomorrow. Sorry, but I’m still working on copy edits and then I need to do formatting. I’d rather it be right than fast, so … please bear with me. It’s in the last stages now.

By Nathan

Find all my books on and in the iTunes Music Store as free audio downloads. Subscribe in your favorite podcatcher so you don't miss any of the action.

9 replies on “Will You Answer The Call?”

I have been a nathan lowell fan for years. Absolutely love the trader tales series. Cant wait to read (listen) to more of his work!

I’m still getting copy edits back. I’m *hoping* to get it up by the weekend but I’m going to make sure it’s right before I let it loose.

Sorry for the delay. I thought *sure* I’d have it done by now.


I just finished all the “Share” podio books again! Now listening to Ravenwood again. Prepping myself for the
awesome ‘Zypheria’s Call’ Excited and ready!

I am more than ready to continue with Tanyeth’s tale. Don’t forget Ishmael Wang. Keep up the good work.

I’m excited. I’ve been re-listening to all the audios…again and I’m definitely ready for a new adventure. Thanks for all your hard work Nathan, you deserve the success you’ve had.

On a side note, I’m having a difficult time coming up with a phrase that securely identifies a Nathan Lowell fan. The best one so far is a “Lowellite”, but that may be a bit too biblical. LOL oh well, I’ll keep pondering.

Nathan you are one of my FAVORITE authurs besides my cousin of course. You take the reader into your stories. I was there with Ish through all his stanyards and was also with Tanyeth in the village. Ishmael’s jorney has an ending, sad as it was, and now I need to complete Tanyeth’s with her. Please let us know when it will be ready for us to read(listen).

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